Project Interview: Coordination and Support Action (CSA) PerMed on Personalised Medicine (PM)

The PerMed consortium has 27 international partners representing key decision makers in research and research policy, industry, healthcare and patient organisations. The aim is to develop a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) to foster research and implementaion of suitable Personalized Medicine (PM) approaches in Europe and beyond.

Please state a few more specific objectives of the project.

PM approaches, particularly for diagnosis and treatment of cancer and rare diseases, are already being implemented. However, development and implementation of PM approaches for other diseases and many aspects of healthcare delivery is still far from being a reality. Thus further PM implementation will need a paradigm shift for all citizens, researchers and national healthcare systems. Taking into account that PM can only be successfully implemented when handled as a truly cross-sectoral topic, the SRIA integrates the perspective of experts across the entire healthcare value chain. The document is based on an analysis of recent strategic reports as well as interviews and consultations with experts and representatives of all sectors relevant to the implementation of PM. Based on recent and future developments, the SRIA contains 35 recommendations clustered under five challenges. The SRIA also presents nine prioritised recommendations, which have the highest potential impact in facilitating the introduction of PM for the benefit of patients, citizens and society as a whole.

Describe the methodology, approach and technologies used.

The methodology used to produce this SRIA was based on a systematic analysis of published key reports as well as on direct contact (semi-structured interviews) with experts and representatives of all relevant sectors responsible for research and implementation of PM (Workshops in Berlin and at the European Health Forum Gastein, EHFG). An inventory of activities and key players was established and a dialogue platform for stakeholders in PM was set up. Current gaps and needs for the implementation of PM strategies were identified.

How is the project progressing, any results you wish to highlight?

The project launched recently a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) with general recommendations and research activities which will foster the further implementation of Personalised Medicine.

Funding source and funding duration:

The consortium received funding for 24 months from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration.

Wolfgang Ballensiefen