1st FAIRDOM User Meeting, Sept. 2016, Spain
TransMed 2016: Translational Medicine Informatics and Applications Meeting, July 2016, USA
MaCSBio Science Day 2016, May, the Netherlands
CNRS School “BioPerspectives” New perspectives in philosophy of biology, March 2016, France
The CNRS School BioPerspectives will offer an advanced training in philosophy of biology, by focusing on the philosophical and epistemological challenges originated by the emergence of new research domains as, in particular, molecular epigenetics, metagenomics, systems biology and synthetic biology.
de.NBI Summer School 2016 – From Big Data to Big Insights, Sep. 2016, Germany
The summer school has the aim to give PhD students and postdocs from computer science / bioinformatics / life sciences as well as developers of bioinformatics algorithms and analysis software deeper insights in the details of existing algorithms or software systems in the proteomics and metabolomics.