Video from SysmedIBD explaining Systems Medicine for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
SysmedIBD stands for Systems medicine of chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease. IBD is the chronic inflammation of the bowel and usually strikes when youare in your mid-teens to your thirties, but it also affects peopleolder than this and can even appear in young toddlers. The research undertaken in SysmedIBD has made very exciting progress. A...
Launch of the CORBEL Catalogue of Services
CORBEL, a H2020 cluster project uniting 13 European biological and medical research infrastructures, launched its Catalogue of Services. The CORBEL Catalogue of Services offers an overview on what kind of services (access to samples and technologies, data, tools, expertise etc.) can be accessed from the participating research infrastructures.
Project Interview: Systems Medicine of Mitochondrial Parkinson’s Disease – SysMedPD
CASyM and FEBS Advanced Summer School 2015 Videos Now Available
The IMI-funded U-BIOPRED project released the first classification of severe asthma
U-BIOPRED (“Unbiased Biomarkers for the Prediction of Respiratory Disease Outcomes”) was a 5-year European-wide IMI-funded project (IMI-115010) which aimed to understand more about severe asthma, determine how it differs from person to person, and uncover new information and ideas that could lead to the creation of effective new treatments.
Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology (MaCSBio)
Project Interview: Exploiting MELanoma disease comPLEXity – MEL-PLEX
CA COST Action: Open Multiscale Systems Medicine (OpenMultiMed)
The overarching aim of the Open Multiscale Systems Medicine (OpenMultiMed) COST Action is to gather a critical mass of international researchers and coordinate them as a team that develops and evaluates a transdisciplinary framework for multiscale systems medicine, consisting of novel concepts, methodologies and technologies.