The 15 funding organisations associated to ERACoSysMed opened the second joint transnational call (JTC-2) for funding multilateral research projects on Systems Medicine.
The OpenMultiMed training school will provide training in concepts, methods and computational tools for multiscale systems medicine and will take place between February 21-23 in Porto, Portugal.
Save the date! The e:Med Meeting on Systems Medicine will take place between November 21 – 23, 2017 at the Alte Mensa, Georg-August-University in Göttingen.
The Systems medicine of chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease (SysmedIBD) invites MD and PhD students as well as postdocs and medical doctors to apply to the the SysmedIBD spring school 2017 that will be held between March 15-17 in Kiel, Germany.
The 15 funding organisations associated to ERACoSysMed intend to open the second joint transnational call (JTC-2) for funding multilateral research projects on Systems Medicine.
The EMBO paractical course in bioinformatics and genome analyses will take place between June 05-17 , 2017 at the the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), Thessalonica, Greece.
A postdoctoral position in clinical and pre-clinical cancer research is available at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) Centre for Systems Medicine.