e:Med Summer School “COME”, April 2019, Germany
The Summer School „COME“ will provide the opportunity to learn and network in an interdisciplinary environment in the cardiovascular field integrating knowledge from epidemiology, cohort studies, bioinformatics, statistics, and molecular biology with a focus on cardiovascular disease. In an interdisciplinary team of lecturers from cardiovascular research, the attendees (doctoral students and postdocs) will learn...
2nd International Conference on Biotechnology, April 2019, Spain
3rd Joint Transnational Call for European Research Projects on Systems Medicine
ERACoSysMed aims to enhance the implementation of Systems Biology approaches in medical concepts, research and practice throughout Europe by structuring, coordinating and integrating national efforts and investments. It is a five year programme funded under the European Commission ERA-NET Cofund scheme in the H2020 Horizon programme which started in January 2015.
3rd BioData World Congress, November 2018, Basel
International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB2018), October 2018, France
The Lyon University in France has a long-standing tradition in promoting mathematics and informatics for biology, from the biometrics pioneered by Jean-Marie Legay to the first DNA sequence database created by Richard Grantham and Christian Gautier. This year Lyon will be the venue for the International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB2018) which will take...
PhD Position available: PoLiMeR Programme for training and research in Systems Medicine
PoLiMeR is a Marie-Curie International Training Network focused on challenges in systems medicine for metabolic diseases. They identified inherited, liver-related diseases of glycogen and lipid metabolism as the ideal starting point for innovative research training in personalised ‘Systems Medicine’.
ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum in Germany
This free ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum on Data Driven Innovation in Industrial Biotechnology is open to both large and small companies and aims to inform about ELIXIR resources and create a space to network for industry and academia. It will take place from 15th – 16th October 2018, in Frankfurt, Germany.
PhD Position at the Department of Systems Biology & Bioinformatics, Rostock, Germany
The Department of Systems Biology & Bioinformatics in Rostock, Germany, provides a supportive, international and interdisciplinary environment. Currently they are seeking a Ph.D candidate in the European iPlacenta transdisciplinary training programme. The candidate should have a computational /mathematical background with a strong interest in biomedical research. The Ph.D programme involves several European teams and...
2nd Conference of the European Association of Systems Medicine (EASyM), November 2018, Germany
The aim of the European Association of Systems Medicine (EASyM) is to foster Systems Medicine approaches in experimental medicine and clinical research. Currently, EASyM organizes the second international conference on systems medicine entitled “Big Data: transition to practice”, which will give delegates a flavour of cutting edge research and translation of it to the clinics...
byteMAL Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, October 2018, Belgium
byteMAL (Bioinformatics for Young inTernational researchers: Maastricht-Aachen-Liège) is a conference for young researchers in the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology and aims to provide a networking platform for knowledge and expertise exchange across borders. It is organised by PhD students from Maastricht, Aachen and Liège.